HR Toolkit Module 2: Training & Development


When done right, training and development will lead to an increase in sales, profit, and team member retention. These tools help you do it right.

HR Module 2: Training & Development Toolkit – Empower Your Team for Success

Elevate your restaurant’s performance with Consult to Grow’s ® comprehensive HR Module 2: Training & Development. The journey to success doesn’t end at hiring; it’s amplified through effective training and development. Equip your team with the skills they need to excel and drive your business to new heights.

Overview: Building Skills, Fostering Growth

Investing in your team’s ongoing development is an investment in your restaurant’s prosperity. Learn how to create a culture of continuous learning.

Training & Development Toolkit Contents

  1. Orientation Checklist: Ensure new hires get off to a smooth start with a comprehensive orientation process.
  2. SAMPLE Server Training Guide: Deliver consistent training for servers, ensuring they provide top-notch service.
  3. IDP (Individual Development Plan) Job Aid: Guide team members in crafting personalized development plans.
  4. IDP Template: Provide a structured framework for team members to plan their growth journey.
  5. SAMPLE IDP: Explore a sample IDP to understand how to align team members’ goals with business objectives.
  6. Consult to Grow Manager Competency Basic: Equip managers with essential competencies for effective leadership.
  7. Content Development and Planning: Develop effective training content and strategies tailored to your restaurant’s needs.

Nurturing Success

Investing in your team’s skills and knowledge is an investment in your restaurant’s growth. Team members become empowered to provide exceptional customer experiences, drive sales, and contribute to the restaurant’s overall success when they are well-trained and developed.

Legal Disclaimer

The information provided in this toolkit is intended for general guidance and informational purposes only. Consult to Grow ® does not assume liability for actions taken based on the contents of this toolkit. The toolkit’s contents are customizable. Have documents reviewed by legal professionals to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Users of this toolkit agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Consult to Grow ® harmless from any claims, liabilities, or expenses arising from its use.


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