5 Most Read 2022 Insights

As 2022 draws to a close, we’re revisiting our most popular insights over the past year. Here are the most-read posts on Consult to Grow’s blog.

Top 5 2022 Most Read Insights

5.  How to Develop Your Vision, Values & Mission Statement
Insights on the “How & Why” of developing your vision, mission, and values statements. Read the full blog post.

4. How to Go From Friend to Boss

Managing the transition from friend to boss is both common and challenging, especially in the restaurant industry. If you are struggling as a new-in-position manager, you are not alone. Read the full blog post.

3. The 2022 Restaurant HR Calendar

This has been a consistent hit year over year. While you’re welcome to take a look at the calendar we released for 2022, you are also more than welcome to stop in and download our 2023 HR calendar. Get the 2023 Restaurant HR Calendar here.

2.  Restaurant Financial Benchmarks: How Do You Compare? 
Restauranteurs often go into the hospitality business because of their love of food and people. But, unfortunately, that love doesn’t always translate to profits. When a restaurant isn’t making money, it’s an expensive hobby at best or a high-risk financial investment at worst. Read the full blog post.

1. Get Ready Now: Restaurant Hurricane Preparedness

The safety of your team and customers should always be your #1 priority in the case of a hurricane or tropical storm. High winds, torrential rainfall, and flooding can cause significant damage, so it’s crucial to have a robust restaurant hurricane preparedness plan in place—before you’re faced with a significant weather event. Read the full blog post.

Finally, our free 2023 HR Calendar is ready for your use. Download it here!

Consult to Grow® provides various tools and services to help you develop people strategies to grow your team.  We can expertly assess your HR infrastructure, develop custom Employer of Choice strategies, facilitate leadership meetings and retreats, help you design bonus and incentive programs, and design managing partner programs.  Ready to get started?  

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